
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

And care for them some more....

Although cats appear to ‘walk alone’, perceived to be aloof and nonchalant, there are exceptions to the rule. House-bound cats, left alone the whole day, need some bonding with their humans… such as being called by their names or having their heads petted or their bodies stroked. In fact, any form of affection will do. Better still if their owners carry them, hug and kiss them, smother them with love.
It is entirely possible that, when there is very close contact between cats and their owners, a mutual need will arise. There has been an account of a pet cat, left behind at a holiday home, making its way back to its original home. Of course, it could be its home which was the main incentive for its long, arduous journey but let us give it the benefit of the doubt.

It will be cruelty of a sort if owners were just to feed their cats and deprive them of loving attention, not intentionally, but because of the demands of their jobs and other aspects of their busy lives.Between cats and owners, there should always be give and take and it does not matter who/what gives more than take.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i doubt if all of people take care of their cats. there are few cats who roam freely in my block and at night they search for food in dustbins.
there is one really gentleman who feeds them in evening despite the fact that those cats doesn't belong him.
People should posses pets only if they are sure that someone is at home to feed and take care of them. regarding loving pets yes you are absolutely right they too need love and affection like kids need.
I feed one cat in the morning and guess what she knows me very well by now i just rub her head and she gives me so cute look.
I love cats really but due to being working almost entire day time I can't give them affection they need.