
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Caring for cats

When we care for cats, we take care of their physical needs as well as their emotional ones.Taking care of their physical needs is of tremendous importance.We have to do is to see that they are well-fed, get enough water to drink and that their food and water containers are well stocked and cleaned regularly.We must not forget to keep their litter trays clean.Cat can be fed with dry or wet tinned food, or both. Once in a way, as a treat, we can feed them fresh fish, preferably boiled, without salt.
As for their litter, it would be good to buy something which clumps easily, for easy removal and which can minimise odour.
Taking care of a cat’s physical needs involves a lot of time and effort and is a labour of love. That is why those who do not want to undertake this task or tire of it after a while, should not have , not only cats as pets, but any pets at all.The result of irresponsible pet ownership is that the animals are neglected and miserable or end up as strays or inhabitants of the local SPCA premises.We all know the fate of such unwanted pets .Strays have to fend for themselves, unprotected and terribly fearful in a cruel world, become diseased, get injured in fights and the only release is an early but merciful death.
As for those in the care of the SPCA, if they are lucky, they will be adopted. If they are not, they will be put down, if their numbers are too many for the SPCA to handle.Fortunately, the stray cat population in Singapore has a champion in the Cat Welfare Society.The members take turns to feed the stray cats in their vicinity as well as round them up to be sterilised and then released, with their ears clipped, as a means of identifying them. These cats are now under the protection and care of the Cat Welfare Society.

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